2018년의 올해의 작가 Emiliano Lorenzo Vicente
Emiliano Lorenzo Vicente | 스페인
1987. University of Barcelona, 스페인 바르셀로나 대학교 졸업
조각과전공. 스탑모션 애니매이션 공부
Arts School Pau Gargallo, Barcelona, 애니매이션 만화 전공
West University of England, Bristol United Kingdom. 스탑모션 애니매이션 공부
Plasticine Ilustrations and Cartoons for the Newspaper "El Periodico de Catalunya"
Cartoon Modeling for Disney and Egmon Studios, Barcelona
Art School Llotja, Barcelona. 돌조각 및 산업 모델링과 교수
Arts and Design School Pau Garpallo in Badalona - Barcelona. 스탑모션 애니매이션 교수
1991. Secondly Prize at the Sculpture Competition in Matadepera Barcelona
2001-2005. Imposium of Marble Sculpture in Saint Beat, France
2008. First prize in the Stone Competition of Alabaster Sculpture in Albalate-Aragon, Spain
2010-2014. Human Symposium of Sculpture in Sand Stone, Czech Republic
2010. First prize Innichen-San Candido, Italy
2014. Quebec, Canada, Prize of Artist
2016. City Prize and Prize of the Public, Nayoro, Japan
전시기간 ㅣ 2018.08.28 ~ 2018.09.10